Marine cloud brightening (MCB)
By increasing the reflectivity, or ‘brightness’, of marine stratocumulus
clouds, the aim is to reduce incoming solar energy and prevent further warming.
By enhancing the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), the surface area of droplets
is increased which results in bigger clouds to deflect solar energy (Caldeira et al, 2013).
Figure 1: Solar radiative potential of different cloud types (Source: Earth Gauge). |
Cloud albedo feedbacks strongly control atmospheric circulation and climate,
as well as mediating radiation, water and heat transfer. For example, by
mediating water and heat transfer, clouds in the tropics play a necessary role
in tropical circulations. The primary tropical circulation is also known as the
Inter Tropical Convergence Zone: a rain belt that shifts from the northern to
the southern tropics (Bony et al, 2015). Furthermore, the liquid water content
of clouds strongly regulates rainfall intensity during the Indian Monsoon
(Maitra et al, 2014).
Climatic impacts
Many climatic modelling studies assume that enhancing cloud CCN will automatically
increase albedo and thus cause cooling – however changes in cloud microphysical
properties and how this will implicate albedo and cooling is difficult to to
predict (Caldeira et al, 2013).
Some studies suggest radiative forcing, from a doubling of CCN, has the
potential to offset the warming of a doubling of atmospheric CO2
concentrations (approx. 440 ppm) as well as retain polar sea-ice extent (Latham et al, 2012). Enhancing cloud CCN would further influence the Earth’s
hydrological system. Assuming a CCN enhancement of all marine clouds, global
mean precipitation precipitation would decrease by 1.3%, however terrestrial
runoff would increase by 7.5% (Bala et al, 2011). However, there is no
certainty in regards to the spatial distribution of this runoff and its local
With the frequency of droughts expected to increase in a warming world,
extra rainfall may be required in arid regions. A marine brightening simulation
has proposed a reduction in terrestrial dry spell frequency (Aswathy et al, 2015). Moreover, MCB can potentially reduce crop failure frequency in water
stressed regions (Parkes et al, 2015).
In polar regions experiencing amplified global warming due to sea-ice
albedo feedbacks, MCB techniques have the potential to reduce sea-ice loss and
dampen feedback effects. This would be achieved by increasing sea-ice thickness and reducing sea-ice loss during summer months (Latham et al, 2012), by causing localised ocean surface cooling (Latham et al, 2014). Subsequently, this would help to reduce methane release from subsea permafrost in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - a potent positive feedback for climate warming (Shakhova et al, 2015). Relative to other geoengineering methods, therefore, MCB techniques can be more efficiently
targeted in polar regions (Parkes et al, 2012).
Ecological impacts
Although MCB techniques can slightly decrease net primary productivity
in some light-limited oceans e.g. off the Peruvian coast, the regional effect
of this is more pronounced (Partanen et al, 2016). This would result in a
decrease in phytoplankton carbon uptake. Though this may seem minor relative to the radiative offsetting of MCB, phytoplankton play a large role in regulating the global carbon cycle (Litchman et al, 2015).
Figure 2: Phytoplankton carbon capture via photosynthesis, using sunlight, across the sea-air interface (Source: Najjar, 2009). |
Parallel to sulphate aerosols, there is a potential for salt damage to
terrestrial ecosystems due to long-distance transport of marine salt aerosols.
A recent study suggests that MCB would result in a decrease in gross primary
productivity in tropical rainforests, with some models proposing a dieback of
the Amazon rainforest (Muri et al, 2015). Thus, changing the balance of limited
nutrients in ecosystems makes it difficult to predict future ecological
On the other hand, MCB techniques could potentially reduce coral
bleaching episodes in the Great Barrier Reef, Caribbean and Polynesia. This
would be due to a reduction in sea surface temperature (Latham et al, 2013).
Currently, coral bleaching is a pressing concern as the worst destruction of
coral was recorded this year (BBC News, 2016).
Figure 3: The use of MCB to prevent coral bleaching (Source: Anderson, 2013). |
In conclusion, the
MCB technique shares similarities with sulphate aerosol methods: in both climatic
impacts and ecological concerns. The abundance of sea salt, coupled with
potential global impacts would make it a relatively cheap, efficient and
straightforward technique to implement. However, current models are
contradictory and it is difficult to predict the spatial heterogeneity of
impacts. Although MCB techniques could create localised ocean cooling, the ocean is essentially a 'global conveyor belt' that needs to be thought of in a holistic sense: as localised changes can have unpredictable global consequences. I feel more research needs to be undertaken to understand the implications of MCB techniques on all spatial scales, coupled with potential localised experiments, due to uncertainty with modelling.
Hi Sarah!
ReplyDeleteI assume that MCB has not been implemented on a large scale and modelling is rather important to inform such a decision. However, what types of further research, aside from modelling, can be used to explain more about the implications of using MCB, and thus encourage the use of this technique?
Also, given that MCB uses natural substances instead of human-made substances, do you think that we should test this method in a small and controlled environment?
Hi Hong - thank you for your comment. Apart from modelling, I feel paleoclimatology studies could help us to understand how a decrease in solar insolation (e.g. during major volcanic eruptions, or during glacials) would affect the Earth's systems - e.g. ocean systems, or monsoon systems, which hugely influence our climate.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to your second question, I feel that geoengineering is so controversial due to the uncertainty - which could be overcome by possibly undertaking 'localised' or small scale experiments. However it could possibly be difficult to control in a small space. On the whole I think until small experiments aren't undertaken, geoengineering will just remain a controversial topic for conspiracy theorists and scientists, with little acknowledgement of its potential benefits.